Where we wander

Denver Downtown
Explore cities with unique stops, fun facts, and interactive questions whether for a family outing or date on a sunny weekend afternoon.

How it works

Woman Traveling
Pick up your smartphone, head to the starting location, and click start! Our tours are approximately 2 hours with virtually no data usage.

Gift options

Pine Needles
Give the gift of exploration with one of our tours - the recipient can use them in any of our cities at any time - the best gift ever!
Wandering Tours is dedicated to exploring the neighborhoods that define our cities by providing excellent, engaging, and enjoyable experiences that combine the power of your smartphone with the knowledge of local guides to create smartphone guided walking tours. We're adventurers, computer nerds, photographers, and writers who love our communities and want to find a way to help our friends and neighbors rediscover the meaning of community through the stories that define the places where we live.